A New Solar Power Project At Rechmaya

Moutajaziroun Foundation inaugurated the solar energy project it presented to the Church of Saint Kyriakos – Rechmaya, in the presence of several local officials and community members. On this occasion, the Church Endowment Committee held a celebratory mass to thank the association’s founder, MP Ragy El-Saad, and the team at Moutajaziroun for their constant support […]

Cleaning Campaign in Bmekine

As part of its environmental program and in light of the economic challenges faced by official entities, such as municipalities, in fulfilling their responsibilities, Moutajaziroun Foundation has contributed to cleaning the streets of Bmekine city. #GeneralDonation

New Basketball Backboards In Selfaya

After installing solar lights in Selfaya’s playground, Moutajaziroun Foundation added two new basketball backboards to promote sports engagement and create a safe environment for everyone to enjoy their hobbies. #GeneralDonation

New Sunshade In Dfoun Playground

Moutajaziroun Foundation installed a new sunshade in the playground of Dfoun, to create a large area for everyone to gather and share memorable moments together. #GeneralDonation

Encouraging Sports Activities in Chartoun

In order to strengthen youth engagement in sports activities, Moutajaziroun Foundation sponsored Chartoun Basketball Team in “Lebanese Villages Cup 2024” organized by Sports Mania under the patronage of Lebanese Basketball Federation. #GeneralDonation

Medical Day In Bhamdoun

The Developmental Services Center in Bhamdoun in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs organized a medical day in Bhamdoun where Moutajaziroun Foundation joined forces with Saint Joseph University – Beirut, “Al-Jabal Hospital”, “Beirut Community Center”, and the Lebanese Red Cross to provide free medical services and examinations for all patients.  #MedicationForAll

Lunch Of Love with Bey1 in Kehaleh, Rechmaya and Chemlan

Moutajaziroun Foundation, in collaboration with BEY1, distributed hot meals to Home Of Hope in Kehaleh, Civil Defence in Rechmaya and Social Welfare Institution-Dar Al Aytam Al Aslamya in Chemlan. #FoodForAGoodCause

An International Standard Stadium In Majed El Baana

In collaboration with FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) and the local community of Majed El Baana, Moutajaziroun Foundation contributed in transforming the city’s playground into an international standard sports center, by constructing a huge support wall, to ensure a safe and modern stadium for all the youth of the region. #GeneralDonation