Solar Lights At The Monastery Of Saint Elie in Rechmaya
As part of its “Lights For Hope” initiative, Moutajaziroun Foundation installed solar lights in the yard of the Monastery of Saint Elie in Rechmaya. #LightsForHope
Medical Day In Bhamdoun
The Developmental Services Center – Bhamdoun Ministry of Social Affairs organized a medical day in Bhamdoun where Moutajaziroun Foundation joined forces with Saint Joseph University – Beirut, “Al-Jabal Hospital”, “Beirut Community Center”, and the Lebanese Red Cross to provide free medical services and examinations for all patients. #MedicationForAll
Lunch Of Love with Bey1 in Kehaleh, Rechmaya and Chemlan
Moutajaziroun Foundation, in collaboration with BEY1, distributed hot meals to Home Of Hope in Kehaleh, Civil Defence in Rechmaya and Social Welfare Institution-Dar Al Aytam Al Aslamya in Chemlan. #FoodForAGoodCause
An International Standard Stadium In Majed El Baana
In collaboration with FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) and the local community of Majed El Baana, Moutajaziroun Foundation contributed in transforming the city’s playground into an international standard sports center, by constructing a huge support wall, to ensure a safe and modern stadium for all the youth of the region. #GeneralDonation
Hot Meals In Aabay
In collaboration with Bey1, Moutajaziroun Foundation distributed lunch meals to the children of Beit al Yatim – the Druze Orphanage in Aabay. #FoodForAGoodCause
#CookingForAGoodCause Initiative in Kehaleh and Rechmaya
Moutajaziroun Foundation, in collaboration with BEY1, distributed hot meals to Home Of Hope in Kehaleh and Civil Defense in Rechmaya. #FoodForAGoodCause
Cleaning the Roads of Rechmaya
As part of its environmental program, Moutajaziroun Foundation launched a campaign to clean the agricultural road in Rechmaya, ensuring easy access for everyone to plant their gardens. #GeneralDonation
Investing in the Future By Supporting the Schools of Ain Dara
In order to help schools overcome these difficult times and ensure a high standard of education for all students, Moutajaziroun’s team visited Saint George Maronite School and the Orthodox School in Ain Dara to provide financial assistance so that they can meet the needs of the children. #GeneralDonation
Solar Lights In Bhouara
As part of “Lights For Hope” initiative, Moutajaziroun’s team installed solar lights in Bhouara village, in order to ensure the safety of all residents. #LightsForHope
Food Boxes in Bserine
Moutajaziroun Foundation distributed food boxes to support needy families in Bserrine. Each box was carefully packed, ensuring that every family received the essential sustenance needed to overcome these challenging times. #FoodForAGoodCause